The meeting of the ethnocultural association of the Pavlodar regional center of the Jewish national culture “Merkaz” was held at S. Toraighyrov PSU. The event “Memory for the Future” under the auspices of the Department of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and the “Birlik” Student Assembly is timed to the day of memory of the Holocaust victims.

The historians, experts and members of the Jewish ethno-cultural association told about the cruelty of the mass destruction of the Jewish people during the Second World War, its prerequisites and historical features.

“It is important to remember that this is not only the physical destruction of a whole people, but also the time for the heroism of people who, with the risk of their lives, sheltered the victims of the genocide. This is a story about how to stay a human in inhuman conditions”, activist of “Merkaz” ethnocultural association Daniil Kolesnikov noted.

An honorable member of the “Merkaz” regional Jewish ethnocultural association, a veteran of the pedagogical work Khana Lobchenko also addressed the audience, noting that many young people today do not know the meaning of the Holocaust concept. On the example of the fate of real people, she told about the horror of the events of those years. 

In addition, it was noted that today in many countries of the world, including Kazakhstan, much work is being done to memorialize the memory of the victims of the Nazi genocide. In the Pavlodar regional center of the Jewish national culture “Merkaz” there is a program “Tell your grandson”. The young people collect stories, write down memories of those events.

At the end of the meeting, the participants agreed that the theme of the Holocaust is not only a Jewish theme, it covers all of humanity. Our task is to learn from this story, to do our best so that it will not happen again.