An extended discussion of the key provisions of the appeal of the Head of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to the people “Five Social Initiatives of the President” was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Before the meeting, Gaukhar Akhmetova, rector of the S. Toraihgyrov PSU, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, noting that the third social initiative “Increasing the accessibility and quality of higher education and improving the living conditions of student youth”, which was put forward by the Head of State, attracted the outstanding interest for the university. 

So, in the new academic year, 20 thousand grants will be additionally allocated, 11 thousand of them will be for training bachelors in technical specialties, which will make it possible to train the necessary number of engineers, specialists in the field of information technology, robotechnics, nano-technologies, etc.

In addition, the conditions of study and residence of students were considered as a separate issue.

“It will create great social comfort, including for students who plan to enter Kazakhstani universities and receive new professions in the conditions of changing of educational programs their qualitative growth, taking into account the opinion of employers”, G. Akhmetova said.

She also emphasized that due to the fact that the demographic situation in the country is improving, the number of entrants and students is increasing from year to year. In this case, the construction or acquisition of housing becomes socially attractive not only for the local population, but also for applicants from neighboring regions, border areas of the Russian Federation and China.