An expanded discussion of the book by the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev “Era of Independence” was held at Pavlodar State University on the day before.

The meeting brought together historians, sociologists, political scientists, members of the public, students, and others. 

The book covers all aspects of the country life, from political and economic to spiritual. The stages of the formation of a newly independent state are reconstructed in chronological order, the history of the first decades of independence is denoted.

According to the candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Toraighyrov, from the first pages the book allows the reader to look at the world through the eyes of a person who faced important tasks for our country, helps to understand how much work and heart was put into every decision, whether for the country as a whole, with its global economic challenges, and for every Kazakhstani in the most difficult period of the establishing of a new Kazakhstan.

“Without exaggeration the book is the chronicle of our country, inseparable from the people, its past and future. Chronicle, which in its true colours with amazing accuracy reflects the whole epoch of our common history. This is its undoubted value for the descendants”, added Erzhan Muratovich.