Ilyas Kanat, a student of the college at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, together with his father Yesen Zhusupbayev, presented a photo exhibition “Unknown Bayanaul!” in the D. P. Bagayev house museum of. More than fifty works were presented.

A seventeen-year-old Ilyas is trained in the “Electrical equipment of electrical stations and networks”, his father Yesen Zhusupbaev is the head of the rural House of Culture.

Amateur photographers consider the need to tell about the native Bayanaul through the eyes of local residents as the main task.

The natives of Karazhar village, through the prism of photo art, with special love presented landscapes, local residents, everyday life and the quiet corners of their homeland, hidden from the eyes of tourists. 

The authors were able to render in a heartfelt way a quiet, unlike the urban life of the countryside, the beauty and depth of color, the variety of colors, the mood of Bayanaul's land.

The exhibition gathered connoisseurs and experts of photo art, local historians and photo enthusiasts.

The exhibition will last until February 28.



Photo by
Nikolai Mohirev