This year marked the 145th anniversary of the birth of the Kazakh enlightener and poet, political writer and philologist, researcher-turkologist, teacher and translator, reformer of the Kazakh language orthography Akhmet Baitursunov.

In honor of this date, a themed evening, where it was told about Baitursynov's contribution to the education of Kazakhstan was held at                            S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University.

The event was organized by the Institute of history and culture of Kazakhstan and the departments of Faculty of Humanities and Education.

As Serik Elikpay, Candidate of Philological Sciences, noted, the work of the prominent public and political figure A. Baiytursynov is an integral part of the spiritual heritage of the Kazakh people. “Kazakh spirituality will live as long as the heritage of Baitursynov is alive”, S. Elikpay said.

According to Professor Aitmukhambet Trushev, Candidate of Philological Sciences , Akhmet Baitursunov had a great influence on the development of modern Kazakh language and culture. “The foundation of Kazakh linguistics and writing on the Arabic script was laid by Akhmet Baitursynov. Kazakhs who live in Mongolia and in China still use this writing,”, he added.

He was the founder of the first national newspaper “Kazakh”, the creator of the first Kazakh textbooks. So, he made his huge contribution to the development of not a single generation. This is the general opinion of all who attended the event.

The university students read the poet's famous poems and dedicated their own works to Akhmet Baitursunov.