The contest for the best scientific project dedicated to the Kazakhstan model of public accord and national unity of N. Nazarbayev was held in Astana.

Public figures, scientists, doctoral students and undergraduates, employees of research centers, representatives of the scientific and expert community of Kazakhstan took part in the competition.

S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University was represented by the director of the Scientific and Practical Center of History and Ethnography named after  E. Bekmakhanov, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, professor Amantay Kudabayev.

In his project he considered the role of consolidation of the Kazakh people. Amantay Zhetpisovich expanded on the important aspect of national unity, its role in the further development and prosperity of our country. A. Kudabayev's project caught the interest of experts and took an honorable second place.

The winners of the final stage of the contest were determined by the republican expert commission by open voting.

The founder of the event was the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan. The contest was held in order to improve the ethnopolitical and ethno-social situation, for which the scientific and expert potential of native scientists and young people was drawn.

The selection of the best scientific project took place in three stages: regional, republican and final, at which the participants conducted a presentation of projects.