A literary evening dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the Kazakh writer, Academician, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, State Prize laureate Gabiden Mustafin (1902-1985) was held at Pavlodar State University.

Literary evening under the name “Halyktyk talent” (“National talent” was held in the sector of Kazakh literature and gathered students and fans of his work.

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Raushan Mutaliyeva presented her view on the heritage of Gabidin Mustafin. She paid special attention to the novels “Eyewitness” and “Karaganda”, which became the basis for the creation of the film of the same name, made by the “Kazakhfilm” film studio.

His novels reflect the results of radical changes in the way of life of the people, formation of a different consciousness, views on public life.

G. Mustafin lived with worries, spiritual searches of his countrymen, deeply realized the role of the writer in the development of society, therefore he truly deserved to be called a national writer. His works are attractive by the fact that they truly show the life of a simple person, whose hands create eternal values. His characters are simple workers who created their era by selfless labor, dedication to their favorite occupation. 

The student of the Faculty of  Humanities and Education Bakhizhan Kakim shared his impressions of the reading. He told that the most valuable in the works of Gabiden Mustafin for him is the honest simplicity of the author, an elegant turn of phrase, a detailed and accurate reflection of the realias of the past, devoid of insincerity. In his works there is no affectation, and the characters are not dreamers, but people of action.

In addition, the librarian of the Kazakh literature sector, Zhursilya Abildinova, presented a book exhibition from the library funds: “Esten ketpes esim” (“Unforgettable name”).

The works of Mustafin are part of the spiritual heritage of Kazakh literature, translated into many languages of the world.