Commemorative events dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the first woman - Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova took place in the old city Nevel.

The delegation of Pavlodar region took part in the celebration, among them was the senior lecturer of S. Toraigyrov PSU Aslan Azerbayev.

According to A. Azerbayev, teachers and students of the Department of History of Kazakhstan traditionally participate in the "Memory Watch" events since 2009, leaving on the battlefields, they help to search and raise the remain of fighters, participate in their reburial.

"I always wanted to visit the Pskov land, to see with my own eyes Nevel city, for which Kazakhstanis, including my famous countryman, the first regular officer among Kazakhs Abylkhair Baimuldin, fought and gave their lives", Aslan Azarbayev said.

He also noted that in the city with more than 500 years of history they remember and honor the memory of the hundredth Kazakhstani rifle brigade, in which Manshuk Mametova, Ibraim Suleimenov, Abylkhair Baimuldin and other our compatriots fought heroically.

Manshuk Mametov is a young machine-gunner, the first Kazakh woman who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Since the beginning of the war, she worked as a clerk and was eager to go on the front line.

In 1943, the battalion, in which Manshuk Mametov served, was ordered to repulse a counterattack of the enemy. In a fierce battle, she was badly wounded, but continued the battle, destroying 70 enemy soldiers.

Seventy-four years after the memorable battle, fragments of barbed wire can be found on the site of the death of Manshuk, traces of dugouts and trench are still visible around it.

All Kazakhstani people and Nevel residents honor the memory of the young heroine.

Ivan Malakhov, deputy commander of the search squad "Gvozdika"  said: "Heroes are common, and Kazakhs for Nevel are the most important people, because they helped to liberate and protect this land, which means that we are brothers forever".