On the eve of the 72nd anniversary of the Victory and the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the second year in a row the fighters of the search group Panfilovsylar of S. Toraighyrov PSU will go to Moscow to search for and reburial of warriors-Kazakhstani people of the Great Patriotic War.

The detachment was headed by an experienced prospector, participant of the first patriotic expedition of 1989, a major retired Bakhytzhan Utepov.

As in the previous year, the motto of the detachment remains unchanged: "We are the descendants of Panfilov heroes, there are millions of us".

This time the fighters will continue their work in the Mozhaisk region. This watch of memory will become a landmark, because the guys will have to lead from Kaluga the remains of our fellow-countryman Red Army soldier Melnikov Peter Alekseyevich, a native of the Kachirsky district. Also within the framework of this trip there is a research work in Kaluga, where the Khan of the Little Orda Aryngazy is buried.

Representatives of the Department of Defense Affairs of Pavlodar region, the coordinating council of veterans of the Armed Forces "Aibyn", regional museum of local history named after G.N. Potanin, MPI "State Archive of the Pavlodar region", veterans of the war in Afghanistan and participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster took part in the solemn sending of the search group.

The event was attended by a veteran of the Great Patriotic War Bekbolat Khazyrov, who passed the state flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the commander of the search group, and passed his book "People of inflexible will" to the library of PSU. 

 - History of mankind does not know such battle by the number of participants as the Moscow. Seven million people. Many of them are still there, where they were met with death", Bekbolat Manyapovich said. You imagine, three generations have already grown. I want to tell the young people, you are as patriots, as the continuers of the life of their grandfathers, you go not only to dig out someone’s graves, but go to a holy cause. Bekbolat Manyapovich.

Speaking to the audience, the organizer of the search movement in the Pavlodar region Zhumabek Kamzin quoted the words of the great commander A.V. Suvorov, noting that the war is over only when the last soldier is buried.

PSU rector, Doctor of Political Sciences professor Aryn Orsariyev noted that the distinctive feature of Pavlodar searchers is moral stability, adherence to historical information, uncompromising and high patriotism.

"Today, some people try not just to trample in the memory of our grandfathers, they are trying to reverse history in such a way as to justify the new violence and new forms of fascism. It is the search units that continue to write the history of the Great Patriotic War. By our actions, we are now continuing to fight against this evil and the danger that periodically arises in the modern world. We want the new generation of our country to feel themselves as those heroes who could defend the peace".