Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kazakhstan Rolf Mafael visited S.Toraighyrov PSU.

The visit was timed to celebration of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Federal Republic of Germany.

The main reason for the meeting was the discussion of the partnership within the framework of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.

An information seminar for students and teachers of PSU on the possibilities of training and research in Germany was conducted by the head of the DAAD Information Center in Almaty, Bartolomeus Minkowski.

The lecturer of DAAD in Karaganda State University Stefan Kehl spoke about intercultural aspects in the teaching of German language.

Also in the delegation was a DAAD lecturer from KazNU named after Al-Farabi Florian Tack, who held a "workshop" about the correct application for scholarship programs.

Summing up the bilateral meeting, the rector of PSU, Doctor of Political Scieces, professor Aryn Orsariyev noted that the German side expresses interest in attracting students from Kazakhstan for training and practice.

"The partnership of PSU with German universities, organizations and specialists has been going on for many years. Cooperation agreements have been concluded with the leading technical educational institutions of Germany: Freiberg Mining Academy, Berlin Technical University, Brandenburg University of Technology. Future agronomists of PSU have the opportunity to do training at German companies. Annually our students and teachers become grant scholars of the grant programs of the Goethe Institute, Erasmus +, TEMPUS, participate in the implementation of the order of the Georg August University, Goettingen on the restoration of forests and biological diversity in the forest-steppe zone of the Altai and Changai mountains".

A sightseeing tour of the university, the startup academy and the museum complex of the university was conducted for the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany in Kazakhstan, Rolf Mafael.

The startuprrs of PSU presented Mr. Rolf Mafael products made in the framework of the projects "Alau" and "Tafella"  as gifts.

It should be recalled that on February 11, 1992, an official start was made for diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Federal Republic of Germany. For a quarter of a century of cooperation, Kazakh-German relations have reached a high level of development, a trustful and informative dialogue between the two states has been established.