The day before, the results of the republican polylingual olympiad on foreign languages "Triunity of languages" were announced. Students of non-linguistic specialties of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University won several sets of awards.

The competition was held on the basis of the S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro University. Twelve leading universities of Kazakhstan took part in the competition.

In two rounds, students demonstrated their knowledge of a foreign language in writing and listening, then the contestants competed in improvisation on various topics in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages.

So, Zhalgaskhan Sadyk won an honorable first place in French in the nomination "The best manner of speaking". The best speaker in the English language became Timur Iskender, winning the second place. Zhansaya Aitkozhina and Aidana Kairzhanova won the third place in intellectual contests in English.

Students Alina Abitov and Anastasia Dolbnya became the second in German. Abitov Alina was also awarded in the nomination "The best vocabulary".

According to the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Candidate of Philological sciences, Associate Professor Beibytnur Zhumabekova, the year after year the Olympiad is being improved, new contests are added, who help to fully reveal the participants knowledge of the language. "Over the past few years, we have been stably participating in such competitions. This time we won fifteen sets of awards. For students it is very important, as the spirit of rivalry is formed, appeared an in-depth interest in learning the language. I think that we have established a stable model of continuous language training for highly qualified specialists of non-linguistic specialties at our university".