A celebration of the national holiday of the vernal equinox - Nauryz was held at S.Toraighyrov PSU.

Traditionally, the celebration of Nauryz began with the blessing of Kydyr Ata for all those who gathered this day.

The guests were met by the artists of the student Philharmonic. The celebration was accompanied by performances of vocalists, masters of dance and folk art. The national color was presented in everything: festive dastarkhan, games, music, congratulations - everything spoke of the coming of spring.

At the event everyone could find something after their hearts. Of particular interest among men was a competition for weights lifting, where everyone could show the strength. In addition, the collective competition was held during the tug of war.

The unchanged entertainment of any Kazakh celebration, the place of meetings and acquaintances - the swing Altybakan – were stated one of the festival grounds.

True gourmets and connoisseurs of national festive cuisine on this day could try the pilaf, kuyrdak, bawyrsaks. It was not without a traditional dish - Nauryz kozhe. About two hundred liters were prepared for the holiday.

With a congratulatory word before the audience spoke the rector of PSU, Doctor of Political Scinces, Professor Aryn Orsariyev:

"Nauryz is a holiday of spring, the vernal equinox. Since ancient times, a rich dastarkhan symbolized prosperity and abundance in the coming year. Without violating traditions, from year to year we gather under one shanyrak, we congratulate all nearest and dearest, we try to say each other and all around us as many words of gratitude and greetings".

Also, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Zhanakhutdinov Bari Gazizovich congratulated all with Nauryz, and wished everyone prosperity and happiness.