Professor of PSU, composer Nazymbek Dukenbai and Candidate of Philological Sciences, professor Serik Yelikpayev became the winners of the Republican contest of scientific works devoted to the 25 Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The competition for the best book, monograph and article was organized by the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In total of about 120 people from all over Kazakhstan took part in the competition.

The contest committee consisted of a competent jury, which included academicians of sciences and rectors of universities.

PSU professors took the first place in the nomination "The best book". The authors presented the work "History of the Kazakh Khanate - musical and poetic cycle". The collection includes twelve songs about batyrs, khans, and two of them are dedicated to the Head of State N. Nazarbayev.

As the composer, the author of music, professor of PSU Nazymbek Dukenbai noted, they are planning to release the musical Kazakh alphabet, because  it is necessary to keep spiritual and moral values since childhood:

"Everywhere we talk about achievements, but we have a human factor. It is important to instill values through music, poetry and art in general. Everyone knows that education comes from the family, from childhood. It is during the adolescent period child should receive useful and necessary information about the world. In this regard, about a month later we are planning the release of the musical Kazakh alphabet with assistance from B. Alimzhanov. The book is divided into 4 groups: two by consonants and two by vowels. The music is written in a minor and major harmony, depending on the softness of the sound. The alphabet will be presented on stage in the musical children play "Farewell to the Alphabet". I am sure that our work will be interesting for the younger generation".