Eight sets of award won representatives of the Department of Performing Arts of S. Toraighyrov PSU in the II Republican Art Olympiad "Musical Season: Winter - 2017".

According to the results of the Olympiad students and teachers of the Department of Performing Arts won five diplomas of I degree, a diploma of II degree, two diplomas of III degree.

International trio "Assorti" with the participation of students of the "Foundation"Faculty Noah Salako and students of the Department of Performing Arts Muftan Ugybaydolla Қaliolla Manas combined in one composition African drum djembe and the Kazakh national instrument dombra. Musicians won, having gained the hearts of audience with the "Turkmen kyuі".

By unanimous decision of the jury Muftan Ugybaydolla and Almat Orynbayev, headed by Head of the Department Daniyar Mergaliev were recognized as the best in the nomination "Folk instruments"  masterfully performing Kurmangazy kui "Adai".

In the nomination "Piano" in the category "Art Master" lecturer of the Department of Performing Arts Zhanel Abdalimova was awarded a diploma of I degree. Well-known 4th year student of Paul Graf became the winner in the "Around the World" category.

In the nomination "Vocal" Askar Dyusekeyev was awarded a diploma of I degree and Azhar Nurkenova became the winner of the II degree. Their performing repertoire of young musicians from PSU included the works from the repertoire of Muslim Magomayev and Marzhan Arapbayeva

Christina Denisyuk took the third place in two categories "Vocal" and "Piano".

"The estimates and opinions of experts of this level, of course, are prestigious and important for beginning singers and musicians of our republic as an integral part of becoming a performer, first of all as a professional", - said the Head of the Department, Ph.D. in Art history, D. Mergaliyev.

Performances of PSU students and lecturers have had great success and aroused great interest of the public. The jury noted the bright interpretation, virtuosity of performance of our participants.