Seminar by the head of laboratory of Social and Political Studies of Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Head of the Department of Political Science, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Inna Vetrenko was organized for lecturers of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

The seminar took place in two stages. At the first part teachers were talked about how to raise funds for research in universities. As Inna Alexandrovna noted, Kazakhstan and Russia, one of the main performance indicators of both the scientists and the university as a whole, is how much faculty member earns through own research activity.

"At a certain stage at Dostoevsky Omsk State University, we realized that to carry out scientific research and derive the financial benefits is difficult for singly teacher or department, so in 2008 we set up a laboratory of social and political studies. At the moment, we have already obtained good results, including financial".

According to Inna Alexandrovna, it is most difficult for humanitarians to get well-paid orders for scientific research, while the representatives of technical professions have more opportunities in this direction.

The second part of the seminar was aimed at increasing of publication and media activism of lecturers. In her personal experience expert from Omsk noted that the media activism of lecturers can bring great benefit to the image of the institution and the scientist's reputation, as well as the direction of training, which he heads.

It is worth noting that the main part of the visit of Inna Vetrenko is associated with the opening program of double-diploma education in master's program in political science. Also in the framework of the visit professor conducted refresher courses for PSU lecturers on the program "Fundamentals of the theory and practice of political developments management ".

The joint participation of PSU and Omsk State University in the competition for grants from the Russian Humanitarian Research Foundation is planning in the near future.