Solemn event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of professor Akhmetbayev Dauren Sydykovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, IAA Academician was held at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar state university.

Dauren Sydykovich is the author of about 100 scientific and methodical works, including 16 teaching guidelines and manuals, more than 80 scientific publications, 3 monographs.

Presenting the medal named after S.Toraigyrov, professor Aryn Orsariyev PSU Rector, Doctor of Political Sciences, noted that scientific activities of Dauren Sydykovich found immediate applications in power economy of our industrial region:

"Today solemn event once again confirms that you have opened the way for many promising and talented professionals, and today among them there are a lot of those who develop the energy cluster of modern Kazakhstan", - said Aryn Amangeldiyevich.

His career in Pavlodar Industrial Institute (now S.Toraighyrov PSU) Dauren Sydykovich began immediately after graduation. In 1976 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences at the Moscow Energy Institute, returned at PSU to the post of senior lecturer, in 1980 he became Dean of the Energy Faculty.

Among the invited guests were: Askhat Kuzekov, deputy of the Senate of Parliament of Kazakhstan, Marat Kambarov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, director of LLP "ECO Watt", professor Imanali Akhmetov, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Shahimardan Abilov, honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, opera singer, Nurlan Mashrapov, Candidate of Economical Sciences,   head of the energy department of SI "Department of Energy, housing and housing and communal services of Pavlodar region" and other experts in science and workers of culture also  came to congratulate anniversary celebrant.

The book exhibition and presentation of two scientific papers of Dauren Akhmetbayev: "Fundamentals of the widespread use of wind and water resources energy in Kazakhstan" and "Improving the efficiency of wind and hydropower resources" was held as part of the event.