Academic teaching staff of the Department of Kazakh language at S.Toraigyrov PSU held a seminar on the theme "Educational-methodical complex of Kazakh language and literature learning in the new format" for teachers of the Kazakh language and literature of national schools and schools with Russian as the language of instruction of Pavlodar region.

Methodologists and teachers, not only from the urban schools, but also from Bayanaul area, Maykayn village Birlik high school gathered in the secondary school №37 in Pavlodar to listen to theKazakh language expert.

The techniques and methods of Kazakh language and literature learning were analyzed at the seminar. Literary reading in the lower grades under the new requirements was also discussed.

Kazakh language department traditionally holds such meetings, as far as at these seminars teachers get a kind of a breath of "fresh air". According to organizers, a close relationship of school and university education has always existed at PSU, and to date a system of continuous communication is built with the latest achievements of fundamental sciences.