A number of events dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at S.Toraighyrov PSU.

Numerous interactive platforms and discussing the role of the first President were held at each university faculty

At the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Natural Sciences was held a round table, where graduates made presentations on the role and merits of the Head of the state in the development of education in the chemical cluster.

Chaired by Tyuleugazy Toktaganov, dean, candidate of technical sciences, professor at the Faculty of metallurgy, mechanical engineering and transport took place an exhibition and the discussion of the State program of industrial-innovative development for 2015-2019 years as a basis for development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Participants of informative quiz to the celebration of the Day of the First President and Independence Day were students of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology.

On the role of the first President in the development of statehood of Kazakhstan to students of the Faculty of Public Administration, Business and Law told candidate of historical sciences, professor Roza Grigoryeva and candidate of historical sciences, professor Nursulun Musabekova.

"The achievements of the country for 25 years of sovereign development clearly show that the people's choice was the right – the President Nursultan Nazarbayev has completely executed his oath, he directed and directs all his efforts to the construction of a new, strong and independent Kazakhstan. The Day of the First President is celebrated as a recognition of the outstanding achievements of Nursultan Abishevich to the people", - said Nursulun Mukhidinovna.

Gathering the most active part of the students of the Faculty of Humanities and the Education, organizers made a creative atmosphere. Speaker reports were complemented by dramatic reading of poems and musical numbers on national instruments.