Director of the Department on educational work and social affairs of S. Toraighyrov PSU Kaiyrbay Ashenov became powerlifting world champion.

For six days in Moscow was held the world championship in powerlifting. For the title of the strongest in the individual and team event fought 1200 athletes from 26 countries. Kazakhstan was represented by an impressive team of more than 50 people.

In the age category of 50-59 years Kaiyrbay Ashenov won the gold medal in the bench press. The result, which showed Kaiyrbay Erkenovich in Moscow is a personal record of the athlete. Having weigh less than 90 kg K. Ashenov "lifted" 475 (!) kilograms.

In addition, the athlete was noted in other categories. Showing excellent results, Kaiyrbay Ashenov was awarded a silver medal in the overall standings and a bronze medal in the deadlift.