On the day before representatives of educational institutions discussed to joint activities of the University and secondary schools of Pavlodar in the process of implementation of the State program of education and science development for 2016-2019 years.

Participants were welcomed by Vice-rector for Development Strategy, Educational and Social Work of PSU, Doctor of Political Sciences Arman Akishev.

The participants discussed a wide range of issues on topical aspects of joint research activities, training students for subject Olympiads and their participation in PSU conferences. Guests emphasized the problems of schools teachers skill improvement, including the disciplines that will be taught in English.

All participants could ask questions to heads of specialized departments and the deans of the university.

During the meeting, was held the summarizing the contest "Best Director" among the schools of Pavlodar.

Director of the regional multidisciplinary boarding-lyceum for gifted children was honored the award. As the main prize Armangul Sartaevna Rakhimzhanova university presented the pad.

According to Saule Ksembaeva, Candidate of pedagogic sciences, dean «Foundation» faculty, jury primarily evaluated graduates amount those, who entered the PSU, as well as the number of students who have passed our pre-study courses.

The winner has been chosen on the results of students' participation in PSU conferences and workshops, including those who won medal places - said Saule Kamalidenovna -We also take into account the joint research works and publications and the number of teachers who had skill improvement at our university.