On the basis of S. Toraighyrov PSU created a search party "Panfilovshylar" devoted to the 75th anniversary of the 28 Panfilov heroes’s great deed.

Students will go to the hero-city Moscow, where the feat of Kazakh Pahfilov-soldiers during the Great Patriotic War is immortalized, under the slogan “We are the descendants of Panfilov heroes, we are millions”.

Hundreds of soldiers fell on the field of battle in the area of Dubosekovo. These were people of different nationalities – the Russians, Kazakhs, Ukrainians, Kirgizs, Uzbeks. In the gory battles they blunted a drive of fascist tanks. The Germans didn’t move further to Moscow on that fron.

Deputy head of the Pavlodar regional local-history museum named after GN Potanin Gulzhaynat Aliyeva, the founder of the search party "Maidan zholy" Jumabek Kamzin, head of the Pavlodar region State Archives Halel Akimkhanov, chairman of the Union of Veterans of Afghan war of Pavlodar region Baigabyl Maykotov and others took part in the solemn sending of the search party to Moscow.

Addressing to the audience, the Rector of S. Toraighyrov PSU, Doctor of Political Sciences, Aryn Orsariyev said: "Today, again, some historians doubt the heroic past of the famous Panfilov division. It's a hurtfully and a pity that it is happening on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the famous Battle of Moscow. Then there was a really accomplished a feat, unique in its historical significance. We consider it our duty of honor to repulse the attacks of those, who distort the history of the war and distrust the heroism of our ancestors",- said Aryn Amangeldiyevich.

At the end of the event the founder of search party "Maidan zholy" Jumabek Kamzin awarded Rector A. Orsariyev a medal "In recognition of searching works".

The party is headed by experienced searcher, member of  the first patriotic expedition 1989, retired Major Bakhytzhan Utepov.

The next year the youth party is going to follow the battle way of the Panfilov division from Dubosekovo to Berlin.