Graduates of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Natural Science of S. Toraighyrov PSU took part in the national competition of graduation projects, which took place in the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University (Shymkent).

The main purposes of the competition are detection, support and encouragement of talented young professionals in the field of chemistry and chemical technology.

According to the results of the competition the best project became the project of Aizhan Usseinova, scientific adviser was Candidate of Chemical Sciences, associate professor S.R Massakbaeva.

On specialty "Chemical technology of organic substances" diploma of the second degree was given to the master's work of Dinara Ibrayeva, scientific adviser was Candidate of Chemical Sciences, professor K.H. Zhapargazinova.

At this competition the third degree diplomas were given to Ayman Smagulova and Armangul Assanbaeva, scientific adviser was the senior teacher T.B. Tugambaeva 

High professional level of works of S.Toraighyrov PSU graduates did not go unnoticed. Undoubtedly, reseaches, which were carried out by students and master’s students have serious prospective of implement in the field of chemical engineering, and also make a significant contribution in the development of education and science.