January 30, 2016 Murat Abenov the Chairman of Republic Coordination Council of the "Mangilik El zhastary-industriyagha" program arrived to PSU named after S. Torayghyrov with working visit within a state program "Serpin-2050".

Murat Abenov began his visit with the Research Center named after A. Margulan. The guest was given a demonstration of unique excavatory archeology findings. As he continued getting to know cultural components of PSU, M. Abenov had the opportunity to view the library stock for rare editions in scientific library named after. S. Beysembayev. Rare editions were presented to the guest by the director of library S. Issamadiyeva. 

Murat Abenov proceeded with his survey of with PSU in the scientific laboratories of the university. He was presented achievements of two basic branches of economy – power and agricultural technology. In the laboratory, focused on the first branch, Mr. Abenov was able to see the up-to-date electromechanical and electrical equipment, which was presented to him by Candidate of Engineering Sciences V. Markovskiy. In his turn  T. Bekseitov Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor introduced to M.Abenov innovations in the field of bio- and agro-technologies. 

Then M. Abenov held a meeting with students studying under the state program "Serpin-2050". The meeting was very lively. The “Serpin”-students got first-hand answers to the urgent questions that they had to the Primary Coordinator for “Serpin-2050” program. 

Mr. Abenov concluded his visit through the meeting with future journalists and university proponents. The agenda was blogging and blogosphere along with zeroed and well-balanced positioning that every blogger should attend to in case he wants to be heard. 

As he thanked the future journalists and university proponents for interesting meeting, Mr. Abenov proceeded to student’s dormitory of PSU. The Primary Coordinator made certain that all students who came to PSU from South Kazakhstan are provided with all required conditions for comfortable living and productive recreation.

Summarizing his visit to PSU Murat Abenov put particular emphasis on the fact that PSU in its own right has the status of leading academic institution that forms centripetal vectors for science-intensive industries in Kazakhstan.