Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Toktar Bekseitov has completed a professional development course on Implementation of Innovative Technology and Management Techniques into Dairy Cattle Breeding at the Center for International Agricultural Development Cooperation (Tel Aviv, Israel).

The course is primarily designed for scientists from the post-Soviet countries. The program’s facilitators were aiming to introduce participants to the technological aspects of the dairy industry of Israel, to prospects of the application of the given experience in dairy enterprise management in accordance with local conditions of participating countries. The course that Professor T. Bekseitov told about was dedicated to comprehensive study of disease diagnostics and to the issue of high-productive breed selection, et al. 

“One may think that Israel is a small country, however, it is the first largest milk producing country. Some information provided at the lectures was familiar to us owing to research articles of different scientists. Studying advanced modern technologies gives us an insight into this knowledge. For this reason, the seminars and consultations will be useful for both students and those fully involved in science for a long time. We are going to develop programs of professional development courses for animal breeding workers, farmers, stock-breeders and technologists in the near future,” said Toktar Karibayevich.