Student team of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University was awarded a diploma in the Best Student Team nomination by the Department of Internal Affairs.


Nur Otan People's Democtatic Party, Department of Internal Affairs of Pavlodar region and the Regional Department for Youth Affairs awarded students who have been actively involved in the protection of public order and ensuring public security. The awarding ceremony took place in the assembly hall of Nur Otan PDP.

The team of S. Toraighyrov PSU was awarded a diploma from Department of Internal Affairs in the Best Student Team nomination. The Team Leader is 1st year student of the Faculty of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport Kabirgali Galymzhan.

Pavlodar State University students were awarded for active participation in raids while carrying out operative preventive measures, protection of public order during the city and regional cultural events, as well as identification of administrative offenses committed both by juveniles and adults.

Kabirgali Galymzhan also received a letter of appreciation from Nur Otan PDP for protection of public order and active citizenship.

Leader of the PSU team said, 'I consider participation in such activities as my civic duty. People who love their city and honor their homeland must protect public order. That’s what real patriots do.'

The number of people involved in public law enforcement groups amounts to over 7,500, including 489 students. Total number of student teams involved in the protection of public order is 14.