Student of the Faculty of Metallurgy, Machine Building and Transport of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University Yernur Khaylyamov is a prize-winner at the Republican Championship in Powerlifting.

Weightlifting or powerlifting is a strength sport which consists in lifting maximal weights.

Kazakhstan Cup in Powerlifting and the National Championship in Separate Exercises were held in Tekeli, Almaty region. According to the results of men's competition in benchpressing, Yernur Khaylyamov took the first place in the 59 kilograms category with the result of 165 kilograms.

The Second Open Championship of Kazakhstan in Classical Powerlifting took place in Almaty. Over 80 athletes were competing for 24 sets of medals. Yernur Khalyamov, who is a student of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, showed excellent results and won the silver medal in men's competition in the category of 59 kilograms with the result of 465 kilograms, and the second prize with the result of 130 kilograms.