Representatives of S. Toraighyrov PSU went to Aktogay area to meet local 11th-graders on April 29, 2014.


The meeting took place in the secondary school named after Abay in Aktogay village. The meeting was attended by 110 secondary school students (86 11th-graders who are to take CNT this year and 24 10th-graders), teachers, school administration and representative of Aktogay Department of Education.

Presentation of the University began with a demonstration of the video about the faculties, specialities and programs offered by the University, funny and exciting student life.

PSU was represented by Doctor of Biological Sciences Sh.M. Zhumadina, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences M.Ye. Isin, Candidate of Engineering Sciences A.D. Tastenova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences S.S. Arystangulov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences M.K. Beysembayev, Candidate of Philological Sciences N.F. Krylova, Candidate of Historical Sciences A.S. Moldakimova, Candidate of Engineering Sciences N.S. Sembayeva, Candidate of Economic Sciences N.B. Abilshaikova, and specialist of the Foundation Faculty N. Baltabayeva.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Sholpan Zhumadina told about the deadlines for documents submission, exact dates of CNT, competition for state educational grants, and the system of discounts and benefits offered by the University.

Dulat Zhumadilov, a third year student majoring in Tourism, shared his impressions of participation in the Academic Mobility program offered by PSU. His monologue was accompanied by a slide presentation with pictures taken by PSU students in Baltic International Academy (Latvia).

The audience enjoyed the concert program: Melody duet and KVN team deserved an ovation from the spectators. Asel Kulzhanova got an encore and several rounds of applause from the audience.

Deputy Director of Aktogay school named after Abay Asel Adamova expressed her gratitude to representatives of S. Toraighyrov PSU for their attention to school-leavers of the region and emphasized the importance of such meetings. She wished success to all grade 11 students who are to take CNT this year.

At the end of the meeting, PSU representatives held consultations for prospective students and answered all their questions.