The team of S. Toraighyrov PSU students headed by L.Bystrova, a senior lecturer of the Department of Mechanics and Oil and Gas Engineering, showed a good result at the National Competition in Semey.

The National Competition in Applied Mechanics among the RK universities took place at State University named after Shakarim. Among the participants of his event, there were teams representing universities from across the country.

The PSU team consisted of the most active students with excellent academic performance from the Faculty of Metallurgy, Machine Building and Transport Sagynysh Nurkimbayev (MC-402), Vladimir Makarov (MC-402), Askar Nurgaliyev (TMO-202), and Dmitriy Danilov (TMO-202). The PSU team finished third in team standings. Our students were also awarded a certificate and letter of appreciation for the results shown in problem solving.

According to team's supervisor, participation in such competitions helps students realize their professional and personal potential, creative abilities; it creates conditions for self-realization and self-affirmation of students in educational and research activities.

Besides, a methodological seminar for teachers was held within the framework of this competition. It was entitled “Organization of Educational Process in Applied Mechanics in the Context of Introduction of Credit Technology of Education”. The awarding ceremony and a meeting with the University Rector took place took place right after it.