The Faculty of Agricultural Technology and the Department of Internships and Employment Assistance have launched a new project that provides for establishing cooperation between the University and large enterprises of the agricultural industry that can be used as the places for internships and subsequent employment of students.

FoodMaster and its Pavlodar branch Sut JSC became the first company to meet our students within this project. The meeting took place on September 19, 2013. Among the guests were the manager for cooperation with universities and communications within the CIS Chloe Schmitt (Moscow); industrial personnel manager Aynara Nurtayeva (Almaty) and Sut JSC personnel manager Kseniya Altan (Pavlodar). The presentation was attended by the teaching staff and students of relevant specialities. Before the beginning of the presentation, the Dean of the Faculty Professor T. Bekseitov told the participants about the educational programs offered by the Faculty, its human and material resources.

The aspects of cooperation between the University and FoodMaster were outlined: student internships, performing course works and graduation projects in the fields chosen by the company, improving the curricula, trainings for the teaching staff members, performing joint research projects, providing employment to the Univeristity graduates, targeted training within the public-private partnership. Then the guests presented their company, products and proposed options for cooperation.

The parties exchanged telephone numbers for further cooperation.