Toraighyrov University participated in the final work meeting of the Erasmus+ project "Stimulating Innovative Approaches and Entrepreneurial Skills of Students through Creating Conditions for Graduates' Employment in Central Asia TRIGGER," held at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.


It is worth noting that ToU is a member of the project consortium, which also includes universities and organizations from EU and Central Asian countries (Slovakia, Austria, France, Greece, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan).

During the work meeting, issues of project dissemination, exploitation, and sustainability, implementation of the entrepreneurial education scheme, development and implementation of disciplines aimed at forming students' entrepreneurial skills, and organization of students' professional internships using the EntreComp platform were discussed. Participants of the project exchanged experiences in implementing project outcomes at their universities and discussed opportunities to ensure project sustainability after its completion in July 2024.