The state award was presented to the candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor of the department of Personal Development and Education of Toraighyrov University Kainysh Zhumadirova.

The "Enbek Ardageri" medal is awarded to those who have worked for more than 40 years and at least 10 years in one industry.  Kainysh Zhumadirova started her career 50 years ago.  In 1972, she became a primary school teacher.  The list of her professional achievements includes the title of an honorary worker in the field of education of Kazakhstan, the badge "Ybray Altynsarin", the jubilee medal "To the 10th anniversary of Independence".  The professor was awarded the industry medal of the Ministry of Education "Enbek ardageri", the badge "Oblys aldynda sinirgen enbegi ushin" and others.
Kainysh Zhumadirova is a professor of the modern type, she is distinguished by professionalism, the ability to see the future, as well as humanity, high demands and adherence to principles.  The ToU team congratulates the scientist and wishes her all the best.