Digital Day 2022 was held at the Palace of Culture named after Yestai.

The largest representatives of the world of digital technologies - "Kazakhtelecom", "Beeline", "Polymedia", etc. have gathered at one site.
 The event was organized by the regional department of digital technologies.
 – We are now on the path to the formation of a new economy, and it is not possible without digitalization.  If 10-15 years ago we said that it was necessary to automate processes, now we are talking about the fact that the IT industry should play a key role in the new economy, - said the head of the region Abylkair Skakov.
 All conditions for the development of highly qualified IT specialists have been created in Pavlodar region.
 IT specialists are trained at all levels: there are 4 IT schools in the region, this year IT HUB "Jylyjai" was opened at the College of Information Technologies, personnel are being trained at the Faculty of Computer Science at Toraighyrov University.
 One of the main events of the meeting was the Game Making Challenge, where the winner was chosen online.  Students of the Faculty of Computer Science from Toraighyrov University won the second place, and also the nomination "People's Choice Award".  The students developed the game "Nimble Billy", where in order to get the main prize, you need to overcome opponents.  The game has two levels - two different locations.
 – The main evaluation criteria were graphics, animation, physics and storyline.  We decided that we would make a 2D game, came up woth the plot, and immediately began to draw characters, locations, and more.  We were praised for having great animations of movement, jumps and interaction with the environment.  Also  the number of several levels, during which the plot is revealed was noted, - said Azizbek Tatenov.
 Also, a job fair and an exhibition of IT products from Pavlodar companies were held within the framework of the event.  For example, the company "Kar-Tel" (Beeline) showed a digital policeman, a remote AR expert , private LTE, "Smart Housing and Utility Sector".