Toraighyrov University hosted a "round table" dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions and Famine.  In addition to scientists, the meeting was attended by college students of Toraighyrov University and schoolchildren.

The event was organized by junior researcher Nailya Anafina , head of the scientific and practical center of Mashkhur studies.  The conference was attended by representatives of the sphere of culture and education: Nadezhda Kubik, deputy head of the State Archive of Pavlodar region, Aiman   Zeinulina, head of the  department of Trilingualism, Gulnar Rakhimzhanova, director of the museum complex, and others.  Nadezhda Kubik, for example, made a report on the struggle of the Soviet regime with the spiritual heritage of Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeyev in order to erase his name from people's memory.  This is evidenced by the findings of research work in the funds of the regional state archive.

Doctor of Historical Sciences Makhsat Alpysbes, Professor of the L. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, director of the "Yassauitanu" Institute Dosai Kenzhetai and researcher at the Research Institute named afetr Korkyt-ata Moldir Baimakhanbetova joined the meeting online.

The round table session ended with an exchange of views.  Based on the cases presented by the speakers, the experts intend to continue studying socio-cultural processes through the prism of political repressions and famine of a century earlier.