An international scientific-practical conference "Spiritual development of society and the historical heritage of Mashkhur Zhusup" was held at Toraighyrov University.


The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yeraly Tugzhanov and Akim of Pavlodar Asain Baikhanov addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech.

The guests of the conference, invited also from Turkey and Mongolia, shared their thoughts about what Mashkhur Zhusup gave to the modern Kazakhstan society.

Great-granddaughter of Mashkhur Zhusip Meruert Abuseitova, director of the Republican Information Center for the Study of Historical Materials of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after R. B. Suleimenov, noted that the great Kazakh ethnographer and thinker narrated the history of his people in the form of a shezhire - a descent genealogy.

 - Written traditions of Mashkhur Zhusup were original and significantly different from other collectors of oral historiography.  In fact, he became the founder of such a new direction as “steppe historiology,” said the doctor of historical sciences in her speech.

Chief researcher of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ayazhan Sagykyzy emphasized that the legacy of Mashkhur Zhusup inspires to a spiritualized future.

 - It is imbued with the idea that a person should live with love in his heart for his people, for his ancestors, descendants and traditions.  These life-affirming ideas are valuable because they allow us to understand and determine the true meaning of human existence.  However, the most important idea of   the heritage of Mashkhur Zhusup is that the path to the future lies through love for people, native land, through the aiming for of happiness, - said the doctor of philosophical sciences.

Director of the Institute of History and Ethnology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ziyabek Kabuldinov turned to the materials collected by Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeev as a historical source on the history of Kazakhstan in the 18th and early 19th centuries.
Also among the participants were leading experts of the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Shakarim University  and others.

A comprehensive research work is being carried out to preserve the cultural and historical heritage of Mashkhur-Zhusup Kopeev   in Pavlodar region. The Central Mosque is named after him; in 2006, a mausoleum was built on the site of the old mazar.  Today, this shrine is a cultural and historical landmark of the region, a place of pilgrimage for hundreds of people.

Since 2004, a scientific and practical center has been working at the university, the discipline "Mashkhur studies" has been introduced, a 20-volume collection of works and an encyclopedia by M. Zh. Kopeev, a collection of illustrated stories for children have been published, a three-volume edition in Russian is being prepared for publication, which will include the best works  and previously unpublished work.

The number of young researchers of the heritage of M. Zh. Kopeev is increasing not only in Kazakhstan, but also in America, Japan and other countries.

Within the framework of the conference, an exhibition of artists of the Pavlodar region was held, at which about 30 works of masters were presented.