Revaccination of staff and students from COVID-19 continues at Toraighyrov University.

Students and teachers can go to the university's polyclinic and get revaccinated with Pfizer (for people over 60) and Vero Cell (Hayat-Vax).

 According to the recommendation of the Ministry of Health you need to alternate different vaccines when vaccinating again.  People vaccinated with vector ("Sputnik V") vaccines should be revaccinated after 9 months with inactivated (Sinopharm, CoronaVac, Hayat-Vax, QazCovid-in) or mRNA vaccine (Pfizer), and for those vaccinated with inactivated (Sinopharm, CoronaVac  , Hayat-Vax, QazCovid-in) vaccines, revaccination is recommended after 6 months with a vector ("Sputnik V") or mRNA vaccine (Pfizer).

 Since the beginning of vaccination against COVID-19, 6423 students and employees have been vaccinated at Toraighyrov University.

 Rector of Toraighyrov University Yerkin Sadykov was also revaccinated today and said that the polyclinic has lists of previously assigned vaccinated students and teachers who will be invited for revaccination in turn.

 It is planned that immunization will last until the end of September.  The main condition: the person must be healthy and not feel unwell at the time of vaccination.

 A contraindication to vaccination is a medical exemption, age under 18 years, acute conditions, including fever, exacerbations of chronic diseases, allergic reactions to vaccine components.