The International Scientific and Practical Conference XIII Toraighyrov Readings has completed its work at Toraighyrov University.

Honored Kazakhstan experts in the field of philology, political science and philosophy, as well as scientists from Bulgaria gathered to discuss the multidimensional themes of S. Toraighyrov's work.

When opening the event, Rector Yerkin Sadykov noted that today the university, which bears the name of our talented fellow countryman, continues to carry out large-scale work to preserve the poet's heritage.

One of such projects is “Sikyrly Toraighyr, within the framework of which the university took patronage over the village of Toraighyr.

18 directions are designed to open the versatility of our fellow countryman to a wide audience of foreign readers.

 In addition,  a solemn presentation of the encyclopedia

Sultanmakhmuttook place not so long ago.  The new edition includes about 2000 articles, including 100 articles and 4 works that have not been published anywhere before.  Also, by the forces of our university, a re-exposition of the museum complex, which is located in the village of Toraighyr, Bayanaul region, was carried out.

400 articles were accepted in 7 priority areas  gor the 13th Toraighyrov readings.

A film about the life and work of the poet was presented at the university especially for the conference.

The conference ended with a concert program of the Isa Bayzakov Pavlodar Regional Philharmonic Society.