Full name: Talgat Sapargaliyevich Dosanov

Position: Head of the Department of Physics and Instrumentation

Academic degree: Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences

Academic rank: PSU Associate Professor

Education: S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University

Scientific publications: 20 publications

Awards, diplomas and certificates:

1. The III Summer School in Physics, a professional development course, 64 hours, Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, July 3-14, 2007, registration number 2974.

2. The IV Summer School, a professional development course, 60 hours, Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, July 3-13, 2008, registration number 3894.

3. Application of Distance Learning Technologies in the Educational Process, a professional development course, 18 hours, Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, January 12-19, 2009, registration number 4306.

4. Application of Differential Equations to Solving Problems of Solid Mechanics. The Problem of Stability and Strength, a professional development course, 12 hours, Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, June 11-17, 2009, registration number 4582.

5. The V Summer School in Physics, a professional development course, 30 hours, Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, July 5-12, 2009, registration number 4647.

6. Course of PPC - "The V Summer school of physics" - 72 hours - 01.07-12.07.2015 - Pavlodar, S.Toraighyrov PSU 

7. Prize of  "The Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the field of science and technology

Courses taught: General Course of Physics; Electrodynamics; Physical Process Modelling; Quantum Mechanics; Computer Technologies; Electricity and Magnetism.

Field of research: Physics of wave processes

Professional experience: 14 years


Full name: Nurlybek Aydargaliyevich Ispulov

Position: Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology

Academic degree: Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Education: higher, S. Toraighyrov PSU, Physics (2001). Master's degree in Physics from S. Toraighhyrov Pavlodar State University (2003).

List of scientific works: over 100 scientific and educational works major publications:

1. Динамические и термодинамические процессы в скальных грунтах и строительных конструкциях / Монография. Под ред. академика АЕН, д.ф.-м.н., профессора С.К. Тлеукенова.- Павлодар, 2006 г. 

2. The attenuation coefficient and the velocity of thermal and elastic waves in orthorhombic syngony anisotropic media classes 222 and mm2// Вестник КарГУ, серия Математика. – Караганды, изд-во КарГУ, 2014. - № 2(74), стр. 129-135, издание, рекоменд. КСОН МОН РК (соавторы: Тлеукенов С.К., Аринов Е., Сейтханова А.К.).

3. О развитии совместной двухдипломной магистерской программы между вузами Казахстана и России // Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции «ХIIІ Байконуровские чтения», 11 октября 2013 г., стр. 190-193, (соавторы: Омирбаев С.М., Джарасова Г.С.).

4. Reflection of thermoelastic wave on the interface of isotropic half-space and tetragonal syngony anisotropic medium of classes 4,  , 4/m  with thermomechanical effect / Chin. Phys.B, Vol. 25, No 3 (2016) 038102 / Imp.Factor 1,6/ DOI: 10.1088/1674 – 1056/25/3/038102.

5. Experimental and numerical determination of apparent mass variation of granular media confined in silo geometry / Acta Physica Polonica A / Vol. 129 (2016) P. 378-382/ Imp.Factor 0,53 / DOI: 10.12693/APHYSPOLA.129.378 (соавторы: Abdul Qadir, asim Ali, R. Chand, M.A. Shah, Asif Khan, Kashif Hussain)

6. Аналитическое исследование распространения термоупругих волн в анизотропных средах / Монография. Павлодар, НИЦ ПГУ Им. С. Торайгырова, 2016. – 176 С.

7. The Analytical Form Of The Dispersion Equation Of Elastic Waves In Periodically Inhomogeneous Medium Of Different Classes Of Crystals / Advances in Mathematical Physics. 5236898 (Research Article), 2017. Journal Abbreviation: ADV MATH PHYS Journal ISSN: 1687-9120 2015/2016 Impact Factor: 0.787

Awards, diplomas and certificates: I degree diploma in the Republican conference "V Satpaev readings" (April 12, 2005, Pavlodar). Grant from the Akim of Pavlodar region for teaching and research achievements (August 2006). Internship at the University of Chiao-Tung (Shanghai, June 2012), training by international grants in the School of young scientists through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Moscow, October 2013, was awarded an honorary certificate of the Minister of Education and Science (May 2014).

- Since December 2001: as a trainee teacher in the Department of Physics; since September 2002: the position of Assistant Teacher; in September, he moved on to the position of Senior Lecturer in the Department of General an Theoretical Physics; from September 2005 to September 2007: the position of Deputy Dean for Educational Affairs and Social Issues of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University;

- Since February 2007: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, from May 2007 to 2012: the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Instrumentation, since September 2013: the position in the Department of Physics and Instrumentation;

- Since August 2011: Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University;

- 25 October 2011 Associate Professor in Physics was conferred on him by the Control Committee in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the Board No.7);

- Since January, 2013: a member of the editorial board of the journal “Applied Mathematics and Physics” (the USA); 

- S. Toraighyrov Gold Medal (2015).

Courses taught: Physics; Matrix Methods of Physics; Wave Transmission in Inhomogeneous Medium; Mechanics; Models of Continuum Mechanics; Mechanics of Solid Deformed Objects; Materials Science; Constructional Materials and Their Defects; Theory of Physical Fields; Wave Processes.

Field of research: Wave processes in thermoelastic anisotropic media

Professional experience: 16 years

Trainee-teacher of the Department of Physics (from December 2001), assistant lecturer (from 2002); senior lecturer of the Department of General and Theoretical Physics (from September of 2004). Deputy Dean for Education and Social Affairs of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology of S. Toraighyrov PSU (September 2005 - September 2007).

- Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences (since February of 2007), Associate Professor of the Department of Physics and Instrumentation (since May of 2007), also Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture and Design. Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology of S. Toraighyrov PSU (since August of 2011).

- Committee for Control of Education and Science of RK conferred an academic title of Associate Professor of Physics upon him on October 25, 2011 (Collegium 7).


Full name: Shakhizda Kapsattarovich Bibolov

Position: Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences

Academic rank: PSU Professor, Associate Professor

Education: higher, Novosibirsk State University, Physics.

List of publications: Mutual diffusion coefficients of helium and carbon dioxide at different temperatures and pressures (written in Russian, the original title: Коэффициенты взаимной диффузии гелия и двуокиси углерода при различных давлениях и температурах). Thermophysical properties of substances and materials. M.: Standard Publishing, 1982, Issue 17, pp. 43-52.

Measurement of mutual diffusion coefficients of non-ideal gas mixture of helium and carbon dioxide (Измерение коэффициентов взаимной диффузии неидеальной газовой смеси гелия с двуокисью углерода). Journal of Engineering and Physics, 1982. Vol. 43, Issue 3, pp. 443-447.

The pressure and temperature dependences of the mutual diffusion coefficients of gases at low temperatures (Барическая и температурная зависимости коэффициентов взаимной диффузии некоторых газов при пониженных температурах). Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Almaty, 1986.

Recommended reference data. Helium carbon dioxide. Mutual diffusion coefficients in the temperature range from 220 to 350 K and pressure of 0.1-8.0 MPa. Certificate No. 107 dated June 13, 1986. All-Union Research Center for Public Service of Standard Reference Data.

Operational requirements for laboratories of technical diagnostics and control, ST RK 1041-2001. State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana. 2002.

Physics. Pupil’s reference book.Study guide. Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty. 2005. Arman Publishing House.

Russian-Kazakh dictionary of Physics. Pavlodar, PSU, 2006.

Physics / Handbook for students and applicants. Almaty, Arman, 2007.

Modeling the potential of molecular interaction (written in Kazakh, the original title: Молекулааралық әрекеттесу потенциалын модельдеу). PSU Bulletin. The Mathematics series. 2009, Edition 1.

Awards, diplomas and certificates: he was repeatedly awarded letters of appreciation and prizes. In 2001, he received an honorary certificate from the Minister of Education and Science, letters of appreciation from the Akim of the region in 2001. He received the title of a honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2006. Sh.K. Bibolov was elected a corresponding member of the International Informatization Academy in 2007. He is a professor of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Courses taught: General Physics; Theoretical Mechanics; Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics; Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics; Analytical Mechanics and Dynamics of the Rigid Body; Mathematical Statistics in Analyzing Substances; Professional Russian Language; Transfer Phenomenon.

Field of research: Real-gas transport phenomenon; Methods of teaching Physics.

Professional experience: 45 years. At PSU since 1975. He worked as an assistant lecturer, senior lecturer, and Associate Professor of the Department of Physics. He was a Head of the Research Center, worked as a Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics in 1993-1995. In 2000-2001, and from 2003, Head of the Department of General and Theoretical Physics of PSU.

Honorary Head of the Department of S. Toraighyrov PSU since 2011.


Full name: Tlegen Salmenovich Makhmetov

Position: Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Education: Ye.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, Faculty of Physics. Degree in Physics

Scientific publications: over 30 scientific and educational works

Courses taught: Mechanics; General Physics; Molecular Physics

Field of research: spectroscopy of ionic crystals

Field of research: 34 years


Full name: Marat Karatayevich Zhukenov

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences

Academic rank: PSU Associate Professor

Education: higher, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, Physics and Computer Science (1990-1995);
graduate school of S. Toraighyrov PSU, 01.02.04 Deformable Solid Mechanics (2004-2008).

    • List of publications:

Awards, diplomas and certificates: Letter of appreciation from the Rector of S. Toraigyrov PSU dedicated to the 15th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Diploma "Best Curator of the year at S. Toraighyrov PSU in 2006-2007"; Award from the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology, S. Toraighyrov Gold Medal.

Courses taught: General Physics; Basics of Electronics; Basics of Automatics; Integral and Micropocessor-Based Circuit Technology; Liquid and Gas Mechanics; Physical Methods of Research; Experiment Technique; Devices and Systems Design; Nuclear and Physical Methods of Analysis; Processing and Analysis of Signals.

Field of research: Electromagnetic waves in anisotropic media with magnetoelectric effect

Professional experience: 20 years

Assistant lecturer of the Department of Physics of S. Toraighyrov PSU (November 2002).

Senior lecturer of the Department of General and Theoretical Physics (September 2003).

Vice Dean for Science at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology (November 2003).

Head of the Department Physics and Instrumentation (September 2011).


Full name: Kulyash Aldongarovna Nurumzhanova 

Position: Associate Professor 

Scientific, academic degree: Doctor of Education

Academic title: Professor of PSU 

Education: Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, 1972, specialty-"Physics"

Disciplines taught: Atomic physics, nuclear physicist, methods of teaching physics, selected chapters of electrodynamics, the basic principles of modern physics, special chapters of physics, theory and methods of physics.

Work experience: 44 years. She currently works at the department "Physics and instrumentation" S.Toraighyrov PSU.

List of scientific works: prepared 1 candidate of sciences in 2009. 

List of scientific works: is more than 110 titles, including 5 monographs, 2 textbooks for physics for 7th grade recommended by the MES RK, 5 teaching aids on physics and LFT: 3 of them in electronic format, articles on pedagogy, management and methods of physics.

Field of research: methods of teaching physics in high school and the school, rural school management, methodology of science

Professional achievement (Awards, diplomas, certificates): The grant of MES RK "The best teacher of high school", grant for research on the physics methodology of DAAD, Medal named after S. Altynsarin, gratitude from MES RK, more than 30 PC  certificates in different directions


Full name: Sergey Ivanovich Igonin

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Education: Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, program in Physics (1979).

Scientific publications: 42 scientific and methodological publications in journals of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and RK, proceedings of international and national conferences.

Awards, diplomas and certificates: Summer Schools in Physics in 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2012 (Certificates No. 964, 2457, 2980, 3890, 4651, 7170).

Credit Technology of Education, PSU, 2004, certificate No. 161.

The Use of Modern Information Technologies in Education, certificate No. 1047, PSPI, 2006.

Professional Development Courses in the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in the Educational Process for the Teaching Staff Members, certificate No. 5440, PSU, 2010.

Application of Distance Learning Technologies in the Educational Process, certificate No. 119, PSU, 2013.

Since 1988 to 2004: Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor in the Department of Theoretical Physics of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Associate Professor in the Department of General and Theoretical Physics of S. Toraighyrov PSU;

Since April 2004: Head of the Department of Physics and Instrumentation of S. Toraighyrov PSU;

Since 2007: Associate Professor in the Department of General and Theoretical Physics of S. Toraighyrov PSU;

Since 2015: Professor in the Department of Physics and Instrumentation of S. Toraighyrov PSU.

Courses taught: General Physics; Electrical Engineering; Astronomy; Physical Basis of Data Accessing; Electricity and Magnetism; Theoretical Mechanics.

Professional experience: 37 years

Senior lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics of Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Theoretical Physics of S. Toraighyrov PSU (1988-2004).

Head of the Department of Physics of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute (April 2004 - 2007).

Associate Professor of the Department of General and Theoretical Physics of S. Toraighyrov PSU (since 2007).


Full name: Lyazat Kunapiyanovna Kazangapova

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences

Academic rank: PSU Associate Professor

Education: higher – Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute, program in Physics.

Scientific publications: over 24 research and methodological works in the field of methods of teaching mathematics and physics, methods of students' knowledge control. Author of a study guide in Mathematics in Kazakh recommended by the MES of the RK.

Courses taught: Physics; General Physics; School Experiment Technique (taught in Kazakh).

Field of research: educational process in secondary schools. Identifying theoretical and practical ways of achieving the results of differential training and testing the methods of their implementation by means of an experiment in the process of identifying gifted students.

Professional experience: 41 years


Full name: Andrey Dmitriyevich Gutenko

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: -

Academic rank: PSU Associate Professor

Education: higher, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, Physics (1976-1980); Postgraduate studies at the Department of Physical Electronics of Saint Petersburg State Technical University, speciality: Physical Electronics, including Quantum.

List of publications:

1. A.D. Gutenko, Yu.P. Udoyev. Fast generator of threshold voltage with capacitive load (written in Russian, the original title: Быстродействующий формирователь порогообразного напряжения на емкостной нагрузке). - Experimental Instruments and Techniques, 1990, Issue 1, pp. 127-128.

2. Yu.P. Udoyev, A.D. Gutenko. Spatial modulation of light based on the FTIR effect (Пространственная модуляция света на основе эффекта НПВО). - In the book: the Second All-Union Conference on Optical Information Processing. Abstracts. - Frunze, May 24-26, 1990, pp. 275-276.

3. Yu.P. Udoyev, A.D. Gutenko. Modulation and stabilization of laser ultraviolet radiation (Модуляция и стабилизация интенсивности лазерного ультрафиолетового излучения). - Laser Physics. - SPb., Issue 1, 1991, pp. 198-204.

4. A.D. Gutenko, Yu.P. Udoyev Broadband high voltage cascade for the electro-optical modulator (Широкополосный высоковольтный каскад для электрооптического модулятора). - Experimental Instruments and Techniques, Issue 1, 1992, pp. 208-210.

5. S.F. Knitero, A.D. Gutenko, Yu.P. Udoyev. Some features of TIR-interference of light in thin films (Некоторые особенности ПВО-интерференции света в тонких пленках.). - Optics and Spectroscopy, Vol. 73, Issue 4, pp.795-799.

6. Yu.P. Udoyev, A.D. Gutenko, S.F. Knitero, F.D. Soler. Optical bistability and modulation of laser radiation in thin-film structures with impaired TIR (Оптическая бистабильность и модуляция лазерного излучения в тонкопленочных структурах с нарушением ПВО). - Proceedings of the VII Laser Optics International Conference. Abstracts. - St. Petersburg, June 21-25, 1993, Part 1, p.314.

7. A.D. Gutenko, Yu.P. Udoyev. Waveguide light modulator (Волноводный модулятор света). - Description of the invention for the author's certificate SU 1805436 A1, b. 12. 30.03. 1993.

8. State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan (ST RK 1021-2000) “The system of qualification, training and certification of staff of technical diagnostics and control”. - Astana: State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2000.

9. State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan (ST RK 1041-2001) “Requirements for the operation of laboratories of technical diagnostics and control”. - Astana: State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2001.

Awards, diplomas and certificates: an internship at Scientific Research Institute of Introscopy “Spectrum” MNPO CJSC (Moscow, December 2003).

Organization of Educational Process in Accordance with the Credit System of Education (S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2005).

Summer School in Physics (S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2007, 2008).

Application of Differential Equations for Solving Problems of Deformable Solid Body Mechanics. Problem of Stability and Strength (S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2009).

Modern Equipment and Industrial Measurement Systems for Research Institutes, Ore Mining, Smelting, and Processing Companies (S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2010).

Courses taught: Physics; Nondestructive Test and Technical Diagnostics; Basics of Designing of Devices and Systems; Means of Medical Diagnostics; Indestructible Control Method.

Field of research: Physical methods of control. Optical information processing.

Professional experience: 35 years

Senior lecturer of the Department of Theoretical Physics of Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute (1991-1996).

Senior lecturer of the Department of General and Theoretical Physics of S. Toraighyrov PSU (since 1996).


Full name: Kayrat Rakhmetollovich Dosumbekov

Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physics and Instrumentation

Academic degree: Master of Instrumentation

Academic rank: -

Education: S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University

Scientific publications: 14 research works and teaching materials.

1. S.K. Tleukenov, M.N. Ilyasov, A.K. Seytkhanova, K.R. Dosumbekov. On the matrix formulation of the problem of reflection and refraction of thermoelastic waves (written in Russian, the original title: О матричной формулировке задачи отражения и преломления термоупругих волн). Proceedings of the Second Yerzhanov Readings international scientific conference, Aktobe: 2007.

2. S.K. Tleukenov, A.K. Seytkhanova, K.R. Dosumbekov. Coefficients of reflection and refraction of elastic and thermoelastic waves (О коэффициентах отражения и преломления упругих и термоупругих волн). Proceedings of the Second Yerzhanov Readings international scientific conference, Aktobe: 2007.

3. S.K. Tleukenov, A.K. Seytkhanova, K.R. Dosumbekov. Analysis of the matrix of coefficients of thermoelastic waves propagation in an anisotropic medium of monoclinic system (written in Kazakh, the original title: Моноклинді сингониялы анизотропты ортада таралатын термосерпімді толқындардың коэффициенттер матрицасын талдау туралы.). Modern Problems of Mechanics, Construction and Machine Building, an international scientific and technical conference. - Pavlodar: S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2006.

4. S.K. Tleukenov, K.R. Dosumbekov. The study of electromagnetic-wave propagation in liquid cholesteric crystals (written in Russian, the original title: Изучение распространиния электромагнитных волн в жидких холестерических кристаллах). PSU Bulletin / the Physics and Mathematics series / Issue 4 - Pavlodar: S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2004.

Awards, diplomas and certificates: I, II, III, IV, V Summer Schools in Physics (2004-2009) at the Bayantau recreation center of S. Toraighyrov PSU (Chairman: NAS RK full members M.M. Abdildin).

Courses taught: Physics; the German Language (Professional); Basics of Designing of Devices and Systems; Nondestructive Test and Technical Diagnostics; Means of Medical Diagnostics.

Field of research: Study of wave processes in anisotropic elastic and thermoelastic media

Professional experience: 13 years


Full name: Nurgul Zhumagaziyevna Zhuspekova

Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physics and Instrumentation

Academic degree: Master

Academic rank: -

Education: higher, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute (1989-1994); Master’s degree program at S. Toraighyrov PSU (2006-2007).

Scientific publications: 1. Sh.K. Bibolov, N.Zh. Zhuspekova. Modeling the intermolecular interaction of real gas (written in Kazakh, the original title: Нақты газдардағы молекулааралық әсерлесуді моделдеу). Proceedings of the VII Satpayev Readings scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren, Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2007.

2. Sh.K. Bibolov, B.Sh. Murzalinova, N.Zh. Zhuspekova. Computer modeling of the diffusion phenomena (Диффузия құбылысын компьютерлік моделдеу). Proceedings of the VII Satpayev Readings scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren, Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2007.

3. Sh.K. Bibolov, N.Zh. Zhuspekova, B.Sh. Murzalinova. Modeling of molecules interaction potential (Молекулааралық әрекеттесу потенциалын модельдеу), Pavlodar, PSU Bulletin, Issue 1, 2009.

4. Sh.K. Bibolov, B.Sh. Murzalinova, N.Zh. Zhuspekova. The effectiveness of using computer modeling in physics lessons (Компьютерлік модельдеуді физика сабағында қолданудық тиімділігі). - Pavlodar, PSU Bulletin, Issue 1, 2009.

5. N.Zh. Zhuspekova, Sh.S. Zeytova. Magnetizm (practical course of physics, part 4), Pavlodar, Pavlodar publishing house, 2010.

6. B.Sh. Murzalinova, G.A. Baymukhanova. Condensed matter physics (written in Russian, the original title: Физика конденсированного состояния). Practical course in Physics, Part 7, Kereku, S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2011.

Awards, diplomas and certificates:

1. The IV Summer School, a professional development course, 60 hours, Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, July 3-13, 2008.

2. The V Summer School in Physics, a professional development course, 30 hours, Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, July 3-13, 2007.

3. Application of Differential Equations to Solving Problems of Solid Mechanics. The Problem of Stability and Strength, a professional development course, 12 hours, Pavlodar, S. Toraighyrov PSU, June 11-17, 2009.

Courses taught: Physics; Physics 1; Physics 2; Physics of Semiconductors, Substance Composition Testing.

Professional experience: 22 years

1. S. Toraighyrov PSU, assistant lecturer of the Department of General and Theoretical Physics (2001-2007). S. Toraighyrov PSU, lecturer of the Department of Physics (09.2007 - 08.2013). S. Toraighyrov PSU, senior lecturer of the Department of Physics and Instrumentation (since September 1, 2013).

2. Secondary vocational technical school 26, Physics teacher (1994-1995).

3. She has been working at the Department of Physics and Instrumentation of S. Toraighyrov PSU since 1995.


Full name: Sholpan Serikovna Zeytova

Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physics and Instrumentation

Academic degree: Master

Academic rank: -

Education: S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University


1. Magnetoelectric effect of magnetic-elastic waves propagation in an anisotropic medium (written in Kazakh, the original title: Магнит-электрлік эффектісі бар анизотропты ортада магнитті-серпімді толқындардың таралуы).

2. On the structure of the fundamental solutions of piezoelastic and magnetoelastic waves of class 222 orthorhombic system (written in Russian, the original title: О структуре фундаментальных решений уравнении пьезоупругих и магнитоупругих волн ромбической сингонии класса 222.).

3. Coupled waves propagation in magnetic materials (Связанные волны в магнитных материалах).

4. Propagation of piezoelastic and magnetoelastic waves in an anisotropic medium of class 4mm tetragonal system (Распространение пьезоупругих и магнитоупругих волн в анизотропной среде тетрагональной сингонии класса 4mm).

5. Maxwell's equations and the equations of motion of magnetoelastic waves in anisotropic media with magnetoelectric effect of hexagonal system of class 622 (Уравнения Максвелла и уравнения движения магнитоупругих волн в анизотропных средах с магнитоэлектрическим эффектом гексагональной сингонии класса 622).

6. The system of differential equations of the 1st order and structure of the coefficient matrices for the cubic system of classes 23, 43m, 432 (Система дифференциальных уравнений 1-го порядка и структура матриц коэффициентов для кубической сингонии классов 23, 43m, 432.).

7. Structure of the matriciant in the case of anisotropic media of hexagonal system of class 622 (О структуре матрицанта в случае анизотропных сред гексагональной сингонии класса 622).

8. Magnetoelastic waves of tetragonal system of class 422 in an anisotropic medium with magnetoelectric effect (О магнитоупругих волнах тетрагональной сингонии класса 422 в анизотропной среде с магнитоэлектрическим эффектом).

9. Building the matrix of coefficients of thermoelastic waves in an anisotropic medium of triclinic system (О построении матрицы коэффициентов термоупругих волн в анизотропной среде триклинной сингонии).

Awards, diplomas and certificates:

Organization of Educational Process in Accordance with the Credit-bases System (S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2005);

Summer School in Physics (S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2007, 2008);

Application of Differential Equations to Solving Problems of Solid Mechanics. The problem of stability and strength (S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2009);

Modern Equipment and Industrial Measurement Systems for Research Institutes, Ore Mining, Smelting, and Processing Companies (S. Toraighyrov PSU, 2010).

Courses taught: Physics; Electricity and Magnetism; Devices and Research Methods; Nuclear Physics Methods of Analysis, Basics of Automatics; Basics of Automatics.

Field of research: mechanics of deformable solids

Professional experience: 13 years


Full name: Bakyt Shaydullayevna Isimova (Murzalinova)

Position: Assistant Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Physics

Academic rank: -

Education: Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute (Bachelor’s program, 2002-2006); S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University (Master’s program, 2006-2007)

Scientific publications:

1) Nurumzhanova K.A., Murzalinova B.Sh. Alippiyeva A.K. Technological approach to the study of Ohm's law in secondary school on the basis of element-wise analysis of the content (written in Russian, the original title: Технологический подход к изучению закона Ома в средней школе на основе поэлементного анализа содержания). Valikhanov Readings, collection of abstracts of the international scientific and practical conference. Koshetau, 2005, pp. 273-275.

2) Bibolova L.K., Murzalinova B.Sh. Computer simulation as a cognition method (written in Kazakh, the original title: Компьютерлік модельдеу таным әдісі ретінде). 6th Satpayev Readings. Pavlodar, 2006, Vol. 14, pp. 118-120.

3) Bibolov Sh.K., Murzalinova B.Sh., Zhuspekova N.Zh. Computer simulation of diffusion phenomena (Диффузия құбылысын компьютерлік модельде). 7th Satpayev Readings, proceedings of the scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren. Pavlodar, 2007, Vol. 18, pp. 273-277.

4) Bibolov Sh.K., Zhuspekova N.Zh., Murzalinova B.Sh. Modeling the potential of molecular interaction (Молекулааралық әрекеттесу потенциалын модельдеу). Pavlodar, PSU Bulletin, No.1, 2009.

5) Bibolov Sh.K., Murzalinova B.Sh., Zhuspekova N.Zh. The effectiveness of using computer modeling in physics lessons (Компьютерлік модельдеуді физика сабағында қолданудық тиімділігі). Pavlodar, PSU Bulletin No. 4, 2009.

Courses taught: Physics; Electricity and Magnetism

Field of research: Computer simulation of diffusion phenomena

Professional experience: 12 years.


Full name: Serik Altynbekovich Kamashev 

Position: Lecturer (Assistant)

Academic degree: M.Sc. in Instrument Engineering

Academic rank: -

Education: S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Courses taught: Physics, Physics І, Physics ІІ, Physical Research Methods, Professional Kazakh Language, Professional Russian Language, Nondestructive Testing, Methods of Non-Destructive Testing, Physical Fundamentals of Nanotechnology. 

Professional experience: 3 years

Publications: 2 scientific and scientific-methodological works

1. Камашев С. А. «Моделирование электромагнитных катушек» Материалы научной конференции молодых ученых, магистрантов, студентов и школьников «XV Сатпаевские чтения». – Павлодар : ПГУ им. С. Торайгырова, 2015 : – Т. 22. – C. 238 – 240.

2. Камашев С. А. «О стационарных электрических и магнитных полях» Материалы научной конференции молодых ученых, магистрантов, студентов и школьников «XIV Сатпаевские чтения». – Павлодар : ПГУ им. С. Торайгырова, 2014. – Т. 15. – C. 282 – 286.

Field of research: 

Professional achievements (Awards, Diplomas, Certificates): a participant of the VIII, X Physics School (2015, 2017) held on the premises of the recreation camp “Bayantau” of S. Toraighyrov PSU, a certificate of completion of a course held by Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University) (2014), a certificate of completion of the training “Some Issues in Geometry” (2017), a certificate of participation for seminars on the Clarivate Analytics resources for scientific research (2017). 


Full name:  Gaukhartas Magzhanovna Zhumabayeva

Position: Lecturer (Assistant)

Academic degree: M.Ss.

Academic rank: -

Education: S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University

Courses taught: Physics, Physics І

Publications: 2 scientific and scientific-methodological works

1 Жумабаева Г. М. К вопросу отражения электромагнитной ТЕ-волны от поверхности магнитоэлектрического кристалла гексагональной сингонии классов 622, 6mm, 6m2, 6mmm / Г. М. Жумабаева, С. К. Тлеукенов, Т. С. Досанов, М. К. Жукенов // Вестник КарГу серия физика – 2016. – №3 (83) – С. 21–26. 

2 Жумабаева Г. М. Индикатрисы скоростей распространения электромагнитных волн в магнитоэлектрических средах гексагональной сингонии классов 622, 6mm, 6m2, 6mmm / Г. М. Жумабаева, Т. С. Досанов, М. К. Жукенов // Материалы международной научной конференции молодых ученых, магистрантов, студентов и школьников «XVI Сатпаевские чтения». – Павлодар – 2016. – Т. 23 – С. 275–278. 

Field of research: 

Professional achievements (Awards, Diplomas, Certificates): a certificate of completion of a course held at the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University (2016)