A presentation of the site kielimeken.kz and mobile application “Sacred places of Pavlodar region” was held at S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

This project is implemented within the framework of the “Rukhani zhangyru” program, it contains information about the sacred places of the region and is aimed at popularization and development of sacred tourism.

The mobile application was developed by Kenes Kabylbekov – Master’s student of PSU in specialty “Information Systems”.

According to Yerzhan Toraighyrov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the project, director of the “Rukhani zhangyru” Institute, there are about 50 historical objects in Pavlodar region, including monuments of the cult significance of antiquity, the Middle Ages and modern times, as well as the places with which the activities of famous poets, writers and public and political figures are connected. Most of them are concentrated in Bayanaul region.

Materials of this site and mobile application will be constantly updated with renewed materials as they are studied by leading archaeologists, historians and ethnographers of Pavlodar region.