Within the framework of the ethno-festival “Uly dala” an international research and practice conference was held in Pavlodar, gathered about a thousand people - state and public figures, teachers and scientists.

The event is dedicated to several jubilee dates - the 350th anniversary of Bukhar Zhyrau, the 200th anniversary of Musa Shormanov, the 150th anniversary of Estai Berkimbayev, the 125th anniversary of Sultanmakhmut Toraighyrov.

One of the sections of the conference dedicated to the 160th anniversary of Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeyev was held at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

The guests were greeted by Arman Akishev, Vice Rector for the Development Strategy, Educational and Social Work of PSU, Doctor of Political Sciences..

Scientists-Mashkhur scholars, the descendants of the writer made presentations on the breakout session.

The participants noted that Mashkhur Zhusip Kopeyev is one of the most educated people of his era. He owns meaningful ideas in the field of medicine, astronomy and physics. Being a scientist-encyclopedist, he became one of the founders of the Kazakh scientific system of that era, his works are the foundation of Kazakhstani science today.

Let us recall, that the festival will continue for more two days. Guests will enjoy a festive program in ethnoaul in the village of Leninsky.