Employer's Day was held at Toraighyrov University together with the Higher College of Toraighyrov University.

Member of the Board for Academic Affairs Petr Bykov delivered a welcoming speech.
 - Today, a kind of job fair was held for students, where there were representatives of such enterprises as "KSP Steel" LLP, "Pavlodarenergo" JSC, "ERG Service" LLP and "Atameken" Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs, - said Petr Bykov.

 He noted the possibility of dual training at a university, where the form of training combines training in an educational organization with mandatory periods of industrial training and professional practice at an enterprise with the provision of jobs with equal responsibility of the enterprise, educational institution and student.
At the meeting, the advantages of interaction with the employer within the framework of academic independence were considered.  When developing educational programs independently, together with employers, the requirements of the State Compulsory Educational Standard, professional standards, including professional standards of WorldSkillsare taken into account, and the terms of training are determined.
Also, a tour of the university was held for representatives of enterprises and college students.