Akim of Pavlodar region Abylkair Skakov visited Toraighyrov University with a working trip.  Here projects of university scientists were presented to the head of the region, they shared the results of their laboratory research and told what worries the scientific community today.


In the coworking center Abylkair Skakov saw scientific developments and business projects of Toraighyrov  University.  These include the production of trimaran and personal protective equipment, the creation of VR applications, the production of organic cosmetics and liquid soaps, the assembly of creative furniture, and much more.  Especially for the military department, local IT specialists developed a computer program that made it possible to digitize military training.  The simulator was named “Geotactics” and has already been used at the university for a year.

⁃ Of course, this will not replace the practice, but we decided to bring knowledge to students through game content that modern youth perceives better than ordinary lectures, - said the head of the military department of the university Bulat Tokin.  - If the listener does not develop his own tactics, does not take into account all the technical and back aspects, he will simply "die" in battle.  In this case, the student becomes interested and he remembers the information provided better.

The head of the region also visited the library of Toraighyrov University, where students have free access to the necessary scientific works.  Not so long ago, they received a batch of modern world literature translated into the Kazakh language.  In total, the library received more than 15 thousand copies of

126 titles.

In the laboratory of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, the regional akim was told about interaction with agricultural producers.  Local scientists who conduct various research for the agro-industrial complex have already managed to commercialize their activities.  Among their projects is the accelerated reproduction of cattle through biotechnology.  Thus, scientists propose to increase the milk production of cows.

⁃ We also offer our potato growers to check the planting material for pathogens, - noted the associate professor of the university Irina Anikina.  - Our pride is a special analyzer, which is not even in every scientific center.  With its help, we identify viruses that can infect potatoes.

On the basis of the Faculty of Computer Science, Abylkair Skakov got acquainted with a project of an IT school.  They promise to train information technology specialists from the age of 14.  This applies to web programming, Python programming, working with Big Data, the development of augmented 3D reality and much more.

⁃ We plan to launch courses lasting from 2 to 12 months, - emphasized the dean of the faculty Dariya Abykenova.  - Our main reference point is the "Atlas of New Professions" and the requests of large enterprises.  Today we have 32 full-time faculty members and 7 outside experts.  Of course, we also hope for the knowledge of practitioners who are currently implementing some of their projects in the IT field.

Also, the head of the region visited the book exhibition of the University “Olketanu” and the laboratory of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.  In one of the lecture halls, the akim talked with young scientists of Pavlodar region.  He recalled that today scientific thought is one of the foundations of economic development, and therefore government bodies and business need to cooperate more closely with universities and the scientific community.

⁃ We must strive for synergy between business, science and government, - said Abylkair Skakov.  - Therefore, we need to look for common ground and more often form requests for each other.  Today I set myself the task of transforming the public administration system.  But there will be no result if you change the approaches only in the state apparatus.  Transformation must take place verywhere.  And, I think,  young scientists should be in the forefront in transforming our higher educational institutions.

 The participants of the meeting were able to sound the questions that concern Pavlodar scientists today.  They   turned the attention  of the head of region to the absence of regional programs to support scientific projects.  Today, research or development initiators cannot rely on local funding, competing for the budget for their work only at the republican level.  Another nuance is the closed nature of some industrial enterprises, which simply avoid cooperation with universities.  Business proposals were also sounded at the meeting.

⁃ The pandemic has made it possible to revalue the contribution of science to medicinal plant growing, - said candidate of biological sciences Viktor Kamkin.  - This year we are completing a project to study the reproductive potential of medicinal plants in Pavlodar region.  These studies have shown that 192 species of medicinal plants grow in our region.  Tracking the experience of other countries in the development of drugs in the treatment against COVID-19, we found out that some of them can be produced from plants that grow wild in our country.  This suggests that medicinal plant growing in the territory of Pavlodar region is quite profitable.  Its development will make it possible to create new enterprises and new jobs, as well as provide the pharmaceutical market of Kazakhstan with medicinal raw materials.

Abylkair Skakov noted that for more effective interaction between local executive bodies and universities, it is necessary to form a Roadmap.  In addition, he proposed to assign sectoral management to the relevant faculties or departments in order to revive the dialogue between officials and scientists.