The opening ceremony was attended by judges, veterans of the judicial system, mediators, deputies of the Pavlodar regional maslikhat, representatives of the Trade Union Center of the region, faculty, student deans and students.

The first head of Toraighyrov University, Meyram Begentayev, noted the importance of communication skills.

“On the one hand, we stand for the development of dialogue, partnership, civil and conflict-free society. In practice, unfortunately, the opposite is happening: the number of conflicts and disputes is growing, marriages are breaking up, people have forgotten how to listen and hear each other, the number of offenses is not reduced”.

With the adoption of the Law on Mediation dated January 28, 2011, citizens have the opportunity to alternatively resolve disputes arising from civil, labor, family and other legal relations before the trial.

“Since ancient times, our society has been characterized by mediation skills, in the Kazakh steppes for many centuries all disputes have been resolved by biy courts. Like modern mediators, the biys were peacemakers in the disputes that arose”, M. Begentayev added.

Today 30 students will learn mediation and negotiation skills. Together with the conciliatory center and the community of mediators, a series of training seminars started.

The promotion of student mediation will continue within the framework of the signed Memorandum between the university, the Pavlodar Regional Court and the Center for Reconciliation "Tatulasu ortalygy".