Republican research and practice conference "Religion and global processes of the modernity", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Academician Katyrshat Shulembayev was held at S. Toraighyrov PSU.

The contribution of the academician of the Academy of Social Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philosophy, professor Katyrshat Shulembayev to the Kazakhstani science and cultural life of the country is truly enormous. Respected founder of the school of philosophical religious studies in Kazakhstan, under his leadership, a philosophical school, known internationally, appeared in the country, whose analogs were not found in Central Asia. Katyrshat Shulembayev was the founder and vice-president of the Academy of Social Sciences of Kazakhstan. He published more than 150 scientific papers, he prepared three doctors, more than 20 candidates of science.

Doctor of Philosophy, professor Murat Sabit noted that K. Shulembyaev was an active public figure, right-minded, engaging man, kind by nature, in his deeds and plans.

"We all know what religious events are happening today in the world, in Kazakhstan, we sometimes feel lack of a religious scholar of exactly the same level as Katyrshat Shapagatovich.

According to Natalya Seytakhmetova, the head of the Islamic Studies sector, chief research worker of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies, the professor from Almaty, today with the promotion of the religious factor, the problem of spiritual education of the state is revealed.

"President of our country N. Nazarbayev in all program documents says that the preservation of national and spiritual security is the main task of our society. The President in 1998 foresaw that transnational terrorism would be the main disintegrating problem of mankind. And today conference will touch on a large number of complex issues of religious identity, the importance and role of Islam in Kazakhstan. We will talk about a unique model of inter-confessional relations, which for 25 years of independence got its conceptual importance in terms of consolidation, dialogue between religions".

In addition, during the conference there was a direct connection from Bulgaria with the professor of the Department of Political Science of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, external expert of the Board of the Mediation Center of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Tatyana Dronzina.

Among the published articles in the collection of articles of the scientific conference there are materials of scientists from Sweden and Poland.