A round table, devoted to the memory of Holocaust victims, held in S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University.

Head of the Department of Kazakhstan People’s Assembly, Doctor of Historical Sciences Saule Mamytova welcomed the participants of roundtable. Professor turned to the events of the Second World War and in her speech recalled the horrifying scale and senselessness of the genocide of entire peoples.

R. Smailov, speak in the name of Student Assembly "Birlik", emphasized: "Translated from Kazakh language our Assembly means “Unity "and it is difficult to overestimate its meaning. Before our eyes the world is rapidly changing, and things which used to take decades now come true over the months. Every day we see how black becomes white, how the concepts and values are being replaced. We, as united people, who came through all the horrors of the Great Patriotic War, should treasure with our whole heart the golden grain of truth, from which originates the root of our unity."

According to Hana Lobchenko, the honorary member of the regional Jewish ethnocultural association "Merkaz" and veteran of educational work, during the deportation and war, Kazakh steppe warmly sheltered the Jewish people escaping from Holocaust although those years the Kazaks suffered themselves. Hana Lobchenko emphasized that the Jewish people feel the deepest gratitude to the Kazakhs for saved lives and the Great Steppe, which has become home for many Jewish people.

Students of the Jewish department of the Darzhuman National Revival School told about the black pages of the Jewish people history and the origins of the Holocaust. With the support of I. Tveritneva, Z. Safina and N. Narynskaya, also told how Holocaust Victims Memorial Day is commemorated in different countries. By the way, Irina Tveritneva played a role of initiator of the round table in PSU.

Among the participants of the roundtable was a guest from Israel A. Tselovalnikov, who sincerely said: "No country in the world has such a organization uniting ethnic groups as the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. Today it is very important."

Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, candidate of historical sciences Z. Mardanova finished the round table saying: "May Holocaust never repeat again: crime against a small nation is the hatred of ones and the silent agreement of the others ...»