The students enrolled in the program in Tourism at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University participated in the “Tourism, Alga!” exhibition and competition held by the Department of Tourism of the Pavlodar region in cooperation with the Ecom public association.

The purpose of this event is developing patriotism and interest in the native land by attracting young people's attention to the prospects of tourism development in the Pavlodar region. The competition was held in the form of a show with a large number of spectators.

Among the competition tasks was a rapid quiz about tourist sites in Kazakhstan and World Heritage Sites listed by UNESCO. In the homework contest entitled “Tourist Product of the Pavlodar Region”, S. Toraighyrov PSU students made a presentation devoted to “Creating an Optimal Tourist Product in the Youth Tourism”. The organizers of the competition called this project the most promising one and also very attractive for a consumer.

The jury consisted of representatives of the Department of Tourism of the Pavlodar region, Pavlodar Geographic Society, and travel companies of the region.

The PSU team was awarded prizes and gifts, certificates and diplomas.