Open classes on the project "Mentoring at ToU" were held at Toraighyrov University.

The project continues its work at Toraighyrov University. Let us remind you that from August 2023 to January 2024, the project was successfully tested at the Faculty of Architecture and Construction, the results of which showed its positive impact on young and novice teachers. The Academic Council decided to continue this initiative in order to support their professional development and the formation of a high-quality personnel reserve at the university.


The current implementation of the project at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering demonstrates its demand and relevance.


The mentors were Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Rimma Nesmeyanova and Professor of the Department of Metallurgy Alexey Bogomolov.  They are actively working to create an environment conducive to the exchange of knowledge and experience with interns (Assel Toktarbekova, assistant teacher of the Department of Geography and Tourism, Tamerlan Nurmakanov, assistant teacher of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Aigerim Sadykova, assistant teacher of the Department of Mechanics and Oil and Gas Engineering).

It is worth noting that the project was initiated by the University's HR service together with the Talent Management Center, which emphasizes the strategic importance of mentoring for improving the educational process. Methodological support provided by Bakhytzhan Ospanova, a doctoral student at the Department of Personal Development and Education, guarantees a high degree of organization and effectiveness of interaction between project participants. The project manager is Tina Manyapova, a professor at the Department of Trilingualism and a certified trainer.