A scientific and practical conference "Folklore - Asyl Kazyna" was held in the  Mergalym village, Akkuly district, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Bekmarat Uakhatov, a literary critic, student of Mukhtar Auezov and Doctor of Philology, who was at the origins of the scientific study of oral Kazakh literature.

Bekmarat is a native of the  Mergalym village, a local secondary school was named after him, to the library of which a series of books in six volumes was provided on behalf of the publishing house of the Toraighyrov University - a collection of the researcher's works.

 The conference was also attended by residents of the village, honorary aksakals, relatives of the researcher and akim of Akkuly district Abzal Balgabaev.   The topics of studying and popularizing Kazakh culture among young people were discussed, and also participants talked about the heritage of the scientist.

 - The contribution of Bekmarat Uakhatov to the study of Kazakh folklore is invaluable, and it is in our interests to do everything possible so that future generations will be familiar with his work, - says the director of the scientific and practical center of history and ethnography named after  E. Bekmakhanov Amantai Kudabaev.