Askhat Aimagambetov talked with residents of Pavlodar region and answered their questions at ToU hall.

In his speech, the Minister of Enlightenment paid special attention to the upbringing of children in preschool organizations.  A new model will be introduced in Kazakhstan nurseries - teaching and educating children through play.

 - An important level of education is secondary education.  Last year, 277 new schools were opened in Kazakhstan, but if you look at how the number of students has increased, then, of course, this is not enough.  A plan has been outlined according to which by 2025 we must introduce at least 1 million school places.  We also plan the gradual introduction of languages   in schools.  For schools with the state language of instruction, Kazakh will be in the first grade, Russian will be added in the second, and English in the third, Askhat Aimagambetov said.

The Debate Movement and the "Reading School" - the Minister of Enlightenment noted the importance of these projects in the upbringing and education of the younger generation.

In the second part of the meeting, residents of Pavlodar region were able to ask Askhat Aimagambetov their questions.  The parent community was interested in whether they would increase the number of zero classes, whether they planned to legalize family education in the country, what attention would be paid to the education of special children.  In addition, questions were raised about confirming the status of Altyn Belgi, privileges for winners of international olympiads and turnstiles, which can make it difficult for schoolchildren to evacuate in case of fire.

 - As for the turnstiles, we will deal with this issue only after the authorized body, for example, the Department of Emergency Situations, informs us that they create a danger during the evacuation.  So far, we have not received such information,” the minister said.

The meeting with Askhat Aimagambetov lasted for two hours.  In total, the minister was asked about 30 questions, to which he gave exhaustive answers.